Well-bei 轻干
美宝莲眼部唇部卸妆液 Maybelline Eye and lip Makeup Remover  非常温和颜值也在线的卸妆液,卸妆力不错,洗完毛孔都清透了感觉。是水油分离的水状质地,用前记得摇均匀哦,3分油七分水,所以不会感觉油呼呼,更没有辣眼睛! Very mild also good efficacy,, after washing the pores are clear. It is the water-like texture of water and oil separation, shake evenly before use, 30% of oil and 70%of water, so it will not feel oily, and there is no spicy eyes! 睫毛膏浓妆口红也都能卸除干净。之后也没有脸红发烫的不适应,有泛醇保湿修护。也可以卸全脸,我是用完再来一下洁面慕斯的。新版包装更时尚一些。 It can remove mascara, heavy makeup and lipstick. After that, there was no blushing or discomfort, and there was panthenol moisturizing repair. You can also use it on the whole face. I also use the mousse cleanser after it. The new packing is more fashionable. 以油溶油,主打环五硅氧烷,还有异十六烷比较透气的石蜡油,合成酯,乳化剂用了博洛沙姆是温和的非离子表活,一般它含量越高把彩妆乳化的速度就越快。防腐剂用了PAPB聚氨丙基双胍,隐形眼镜的清洗都用的它。 With oil-soluble oil, the key element is cyclopentasiloxane, and isocetane more breathable paraffin oil, synthetic ester, emulsifier with Boloxham is mild non-ionic surfactant, generally the higher its content the faster the emulsification of makeup. The antiseptic is PAPB, which is safe used for cleaning contact lenses. #卸妆水 #眼唇卸 #美宝莲卸妆 #温和卸妆产品 #美宝莲
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